Kyl ReberKyl Reber of Chikara Martial Arts is someone I’ve worked with for years, both inside and outside the dojo.

With a very popular club in Oxley, Brisbane, Kyl’s club teaches a number of disciplines like Zen Do Kai, Krav Maga, MMA, Muay Thai and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu – all which he has achieve a the minimum of a black belt level in ranking as high as 6th degree in both ZDK and Muay Thai.

So to match the high level of martial arts the club has to offer, Kyl’s existing website needed to represent that level of professionalism.

So we had a chat and decided to completely redesign his website!

Here’s a bit of a look below, starting with the main landing page:

Chikara Martial Arts Landing Page

The above image covers a lot the template used throughout the website.  The header elements above the slider are used through out, with the slides featured below with a consistent style to keep the brand strong:

BJJ Slide

Kids Classes

Muay Thai

Zen Do kai

Each of these slides also demonstrates how professional photography works exceptionally with a strong design.

Another element of the website we worked on was the fitness classes.  To avoid confusion Kyl wanted to create a page for his Chikara Fitness Systems classes that carried a similar look to the rest of the website but wasn’t mixed up with the martial arts messages.  So we created a different layout to achieve this:

Chikara Fitness Systems


To see more, head over to

If you want a website like this one, check out our web design packages here.  Thanks for reading and I hope to see you again soon!